This summer we are coming back, after our blog holidays, with very good news for you which feel us very happy… Anela Fruits has won the second edition of the competition of Girona Excel·lent, a food quality certification which rewards those food products that stand out for their excellent, differentiated and unique characteristics regarding the quality and the process of the products.
Anela Fruits, with its reference of apple dessert (elaborated exclusively with the fruit from our own orchards located in the province of Girona -100km from Barcelona-), was presented in the category of unique specialties. The jury of the second edition of this initiative made, during last month, eight blind tastings of a total of 159 samples submitted, among which was our Anela Fruits desserts. Finally, the jury chose Anela Fruits as the winner of its category!
This recognition feels us very happy because it shows and confirms the quality of our product, which is the first objective that we fenced: provide a natural, healthy and quality product to enjoy a healthy diet. Anela Fruits, a spoonful of fruit, is an alternative of eating fruit in a healthy, comfortable and easy way…a product 100% natural with the purpose of increase the consumption of fruit and achieve consumption of 5 pieces of fruit and vegetables a day (as is recommended by healthy organizations).
From now, we have a new award that will add to the recognition that Catalonia Government gave us when we started with our project Anela for the category of Technological Innovation in Agriculture; and also to all the comments we receive each day via email and social network from all of you, the consumers, who are the most important for us. Thank you!
We hope that this award will lead us to expand our products and be present in all meals of families who want to enjoy fruit desserts 100% natural and 100% fruit, elaborated with fruit from our own orchards, with a vertical control of all the process (since it is in the tree to the final product) and with a quality assurance fully insured…
If you want more information, take a look in our website. Thank you Girona Excel·lent and see you soon!